GSNI is committed to making sure volunteers have all they need to lead girls on their adventure to becoming independent and confident.
If you have any questions call us at 1-844-GSNI-4-ME (1-844-476-4463) or send us an email. We'd be happy to help!
Welcome all new volunteers to Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois! Here you will find a ton of resources for you to get started as a first year volunteer.
MYGS is your Girl Scout home base and how you access other great tools to manage the Girl Scout experience for your family and troop! By logging into My GS in the upper right-hand corner you can:
gsLearn is Girl Scouts’ official online and on demand training platform. Confident leaders are prepared leaders, and these online learnings will give you all the info you need to be a great troop leader.
gsLearn isn’t just for volunteers! All adult members have access to this great tool. Click on MYGS in the upper right-hand corner to login and check it out.
We invite you to log into your MYGS Community account and click on gsLearn to start learning more about how YOU can be the best Girl Scout Volunteer you can be!
For Step by Step instructions on how to log into gsLearn click here.