National Council Events

National Council Session

National Council Delegates help Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois honor the voice of our membership.

Every three years, National Council Delegates representing each council in Girl Scouts of the USA gather for the National Convention and conduct business at the National Council Meeting.

Next National Council Session and Convention will be held in July 2026 in Washington D.C.

Become a Delegate for GSNI

At the National Council Session (NCS) held in July 2023, eight delegates elected from GSNI will joined Girl Scouts from across our country to conduct the important business of our Movement, using our democratic process to do so.

There are seven proposals that will be discussed and voted upon at the NCS. These items are based on input from volunteers, council leaders and staff, national leaders and GSUSA staff, and the volunteer members of the GSUSA Board of Directors.

For more information and a recap of proposals, and other outcomes from NCS 2023 please  click here.

NCS 2023 & Convention Recap Video

National Girl Scout Convention

The 2026 National Convention will be held in Washington D.C. on July 20-25, 2026.

Attendance and travel information coming soon!