What is brand?
Our brand is not just a logo, a visual identify, or a product. It is the personal connection and experience that people associate with Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois, including our programs, services, marketing, and reputation.
Why is it important to protect the brand?
It is critical to protect the brand for financial reasons and for the sake of our organization's recognition, reputation, and credibility.
What is copyright? ©
Copyright is a law that gives the owner of a work (like a photo, song, or written material) the right to say how other people can use it. With copyright, a work can be copied only if the owner gives permission. Copyright laws help Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois protect our marketing assets. The same laws protect the visual and linguistic property of other organizations/companies. Copyright infringement is the use, reproduction, distribution, display, or performance of works protected by copyright law without permission. Do not infringe on copyright!
What does trademark mean? ™
A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, and/or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others. Logos, photographs, symbols, designs, words, phrases, and even non-traditional elements like sounds, smells, and colors, can be trademarked. Trademarks protect the intellectual property and use of specific ideas and symbols, as well as the trademark owner's brand.
How is infringement reported to GSUSA?
If you, a volunteer, or community member, see copyright or trademark infringement of the Girl Scout brand, visit this site to report it to GSUSA.
What is a service mark or lockup?
The lockup, or service mark, is the final form of our logo, with all its elements. Only council names (e.g. Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois) and affinity groups (e.g. Cadettes) may be locked into the service mark. Only GSUSA can create lockups/service marks.
Do I need permission to use Girl Scout symbols on my materials, such as flyers and collateral?
Yes! The use of official insignia (all of which are trademarked) is highly restrictive.
Do volunteers need permission to use the Girl Scout logo on Girl Scout troop/group or service unit websites and social media?
Yes! Volunteers should work directly with staff for approval and assistance.
How do volunteers or community members request permission to use the Girl Scout logo on things like cakes or unusual items?
GSUSA does grant permission for logo use on a case-by-case basis. To request permission, anyone can visit the site below.
Do volunteers need permission to use the logo on patches, T-shirts, banners, or promotional materials?
Yes! Contact GSNI’s Retail Team to learn more about how to work with an approved vendor for this type of merchandise.