⛑️ Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
When you use the
skills, you learn in Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA), you are
the first line of support for a child or youth in need. You are there
to help them feel less distressed and you can be a vital resource in
helping them seek further assistance. As a Youth Mental Health First
Aider, you can be the one to make a difference in the life of someone
with a mental health challenge. Your actions can be a first step in a
youth’s recovery journey.
If you are interested in GSNI’s
next YMHFA training for adult volunteers, please save the date for our
January 25, 2025, training which will be held at the Rockford Resource
Center from 9 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Registration will open in November.
For more information, please request the Program Team when you
contact Customer Care: customercare@girlscoutsni.org.